Thanks to generous donations from local businesses in Oatlands and Surrey County Council, our big project for the coming year will be the planting of the two large, raised brick planters in front of the car park in Oatlands Village on Oatlands Drive which Elmbridge Borough Council have kindly agreed we can plant. Following the success of our Herb and Edibles bed in Weybridge High Street these will have a similar theme.
We aim to create a climate-resilient scheme with four seasons of interest, using shrubs perennials, plants, herbs and bulbs with an edible element, and having scent, colour and interest over the longest possible period, with habitat and plants for pollinating insects.
It will be attractive to both passersby and for residents who look down on it from the flats adjoining the car park.
If you would like to help us with the planting in Autumn 2024 or be involved with the watering for the first 18 months, please contact us by email at:

Monument Hill: landscaping

Baker Street and High Street junction, outside The Blue Cross

Oatlands: bulb and bluebell planting and landscaping

Heath Road: bulb planting

Morrisons: bulb planting days with residents and planters